For all the Horse Show Moms and Dads

I have to admit, our Horse Show Mom t-shirts are more than a bit personal. As a dedicated Horse Show Mom for the last seven (!!) years, I decided it was time to get the t-shirt. Which meant making the t-shirt - and making it available for the other Horse Show Moms out there. And for all the Horse Show Dads? We’ve got you covered too.

Being the parent of an equestrian athlete, especially a young one, can get pretty intense. You all know what I mean - it’s not just going to the barn for the lessons. It’s the long days at the show grounds in blazing sun and heat - with no shade and a kid wearing long pants and a jacket. There are the hours of show prep, the trailering to the show grounds, and the turnout and mucking afterwards.

There’s the joy of giving high-fives after a ride, spending days with your barn family, and the (frankly) terror of watching a normally chill horse spook and throw your kid off and into the dirt. (Even “bomb-proof” ponies have a bad day. You never know…that leaf could have been a bear…)

So for all of you proud parents who are there to see the smiles, hold the horse, and cheer on your rider — this collection is for you.


Beach is back


Tote Bags